
What’s in Your Water? Your Family’s Health Could Be at Risk

What’s in Your Water? Your Family’s Health Could Be at Risk

You can barely open a newspaper without reading terrible stories of cities across the United States suffering from unclean water. With the recent events in Flint, Michigan, more and more homeowners are worried about their drinking supply. Is there lead in the water? What about other contaminants? It can happen to any of us. If you’re unsure of what is in your water supply, then it makes sense to take precautions. One such precaution is a whole-home water filtration system. It’s a smart investment that ensures your drinking supply is safe and refreshing.

What’s in Your Water?

Here in North Dallas, there are 12 contaminants found in the drinking supply that have levels above the normal health guidelines. Additionally, there are 21 other contaminants detected in the water. These contaminants include:

  • Trichloropropane – A potential carcinogen typically used as a soil fumigant in agricultural regions of the country. While under the legal limit, there are traces well above the health guideline limits.
  • Arsenic – Another potential carcinogen that leads to thousands of cases of cancer every year in the United States. Again, this contaminant was below the legal limit but above the health guidelines for multiple years in a row.
  • Atrazine – An herbicide found in drinking water stemming from cornfield and agricultural runoff. This contaminant is known as a hormone disruptor, causing harm to male and female reproductive systems. Most notably, there is potential for harm against a developing fetus.
  • Chloroform – One of the known trihalomethanes – formed when chlorine or notable disinfectants are inserted into drinking water. Chloroform is known to increase the risk of cancer and the development of problems during pregnancy.
  • Chromium – A carcinogen commonly found in US drinking supplies. Heavy contamination from chromium typically stems from industrial pollution or mineral deposits and is known to increase the risk of cancer.

Water Pollution Sources

North Dallas is a bustling region. There are residential suburbs, agricultural plots, and industrial blocks around the area. Each of these can be a source of water pollution. Here are the most common in the area:

  • Agriculture – Arsenic, Chlorate, Cyanide, Nitrate, Simazine, Atrazine
  • Industrial – Aluminum, Arsenic, Chlorate, Barium, Chromium, Cyanide, Manganese, Selenium, Strontium, Antimony, Chromium (hexavalent), Molybdenum, Vanadium, Chloromethane, Acetone, 1,2,3-Trichloropropane, Radium.
  • Water Treatment Byproducts – Chlorate, Fluoride, Chloromethane, Monochloroacetic Acid, Dichloroacetic Acid, Trichloroacetic Acid, Monobromoacetic Acid, Dibromoacetic Acid, Cromochloroacetic Acid, Haloacetic Acids, Chloroform, Bromoform, Bromodichloromethane, Dibromochloromethane, Total Trihalomethanes.
  • Runoff – Cyanide, Nitrate, Antimony, Acetone.
  • Naturally Occurring – Aluminum, Arsenic, Barium, Chromium, Cyanide, Manganese, Nitrate, Selenium, Strontium, Antimony, Chromium (hexavalent), Molybdenum, Vanadium, Chloromethane, Acetone, Radium.

As you can see, there are many aspects of our society and production elements that lead to water pollution of some sort. Even naturally occurring mineral deposits leak into the water supply on occasion.

If you’re worried about any such contamination, we cannot urge you enough to invest in a whole house water filtration system. Here at bluefrog Plumbing + Drain of North Dallas, we can install a new filtration system for you in an afternoon. Call us at 469-214-2582!

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