
Shocking Things That A Plumber Has Found In The Sewers | Irving, TX

Shocking Things That A Plumber Has Found In The Sewers | Irving, TX

Photo By AaronAmat at istock

While most plumbers have stories of disgusting items blocking toilets or kids flushing their toys, it’s the employees of the sewer treatment plants that often have the weirdest tales to tell. Many strange items, including live animals, have been found in the sewers globally. We’ve all heard stories of baby alligators that have been flushed away, but can you believe that vehicles, grenades, and even a marijuana forest have been found in the sewers.

If you live in Irving, TX, or the surrounding area and are looking for a professional, don’t hesitate to contact Bluefrog Plumbing and Drain. The team of professionals is available for all types of plumbing jobs, including drain cleaning, leak detection. They can also provide an emergency plumber.

This article will tell you all about some of the weirdest things to have been found in the plumbing and sewer system.

Unidentifiable JawBone in Canada

Perhaps one of the scariest things to have been found in the sewers is a jaw bone which couldn’t be identified. Bones in the sewers are scary in themselves as it means an animal has lived its life inside the sewers, but a jaw that can be identified seems like something out of a horror movie.

A few years ago, a jaw bone was discovered that left scientists puzzled. It was discovered deep in the sewers, in a place called Edmonton in Canada. The jaw bone was confirmed to have come from an animal rather than a human. However, it was unidentifiable and didn’t seem to match any known animal.

There were all sorts of rumors as to where the bone came from and what mystery creature it once belonged to. Many people believed that it must have come from a mutant creature that had been living in the sewers. Likely, no one will ever know exactly where the bone came from or which creature it belonged to.

A Marijuana Forest in Washington

It’s amazing what shows up in the sewer system. Perhaps someone flushed some marijuana seeds, or maybe they were intentionally growing the plants in the sewers to hide the drugs. Marijuana was found growing in the American sewer system. A few years ago, many plants were found in the Washington sewers.

It’s thought that some seeds were flushed down the toilet and were able to grow as they traveled down the sewers. Eventually, a mini forest developed, far below the ground.

The plants were destroyed, but it was estimated that the drugs would have been worth over $1100,00.

Half a Vehicle in London

You may be surprised to learn that in London, half of a mini-car was found blocking the sewers. At first, workers couldn’t work out what was causing the blockage; now, they can’t work out how it got there.

Plumbers will tell you that many items can fit down the drains and get into the sewers. But how does half a car end up in the sewers? It took sewage workers a long time to free the car, which allowed the waters to flow free.

Grenades in London

It seems that many strange items have been found in the sewers of London. Sewage workers once found a grenade, which they luckily handled with care. Sewer engineers found the grenade while attending to routine maintenance at 2 am. They took it out of the sewers and left it on the bank while they phoned the police.

When they later asked police whether the grenade was live, they were told that it was. Luckily the grenade was adequately dealt with and didn’t cause an explosion.

A Fax Machine and Other Objects in Scotland

We’ve all had the feeling that nothing is going right at work. Many people get frustrated while using fax machines that don’t want to cooperate. If you work in an office, you may know the feeling.

Most employees wouldn’t go as far as to throw their fax machine down the drain or into the sewers. In Scotland, someone somehow managed to get a fax machine into the sewers. This seems like an extreme case of fly-tipping.

There had been many problems with the sewers in Scotland, and a routine sewer check took place. Odd objects were discovered, including the fax machine.

At the same time, about 40,000 blockages were uncovered, and many items that shouldn’t have been in the sewers were found. There was a Winnie the Pooh teddy bear, as well as a live snake and a pair of jeans.

Things to Avoid Flushing

Many professionals have had to unblock toilets that have become blocked with items that should never have been flushed. One of the most unpleasant jobs for a plumber is unblocking a toilet that has been blocked due to wipes, diapers, and sanitary towels that have been flushed.

‘You should never flush anything other than human waste and toilet paper,’ one plumber explained. ‘Even though some products say they are flushable, they are likely to cause blockages.’

It’s amazing what plumbers have found when unblocking a toilet. Many have reported finding small toys, balls, and household objects blocking the toilet. If these items are flushed, they will eventually end up in the sewers, but many items don’t make it that far and cause blocked drains or toilets.

It’s important to teach children that the toilet mustn’t be played with. They should never attempt to flush their toys. Many children are just curious to see what happens when a toy is flushed, and sometimes this can have disastrous results.

bluefrog Plumbing + Drain, Plumber

If you live in Irving, TX, or the surrounding area and are looking for a professional, don’t hesitate to contact Bluefrog Plumbing and Drain. The team of professionals is available for all types of plumbing jobs, including drain cleaning, leak detection. They can also provide an emergency plumber.

bluefrog Plumbing + Drain provides a local plumbing service in Irving. The company is a BBB accredited business that has achieved an A+ rating.

If you’re searching for a plumber, call bluefrog Plumbing + Drain of North Dallas today on 203 659 8947.

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