
Does Your Ceiling Start Leaking After Someone Takes A Shower? Plumber Tips On What To Do | Denton, TX

Does Your Ceiling Start Leaking After Someone Takes A Shower? Plumber Tips On What To Do | Denton, TX

Photo By Motortion at istock

If water is dripping from your Denton, TX house ceiling, it is a reason to worry. Sometimes water drops may not directly drop on the floor, but the ceiling has wet patches.

You may notice that the ceiling starts leaking after someone uses the shower/bathroom. You may have to call a plumber to investigate the cause and resolve the leaking problem when it happens.

What Could Be the Cause of Water Leaking From Your Ceiling?

In most cases, the moisture or the water leak can be traced to the bathroom on the second floor. Here are some other causes of water leaking from your ceiling.

Broken or Loose Pipes

There is a possibility the plumber who performed the installations was not careful when doing the connections and fittings, resulting in loose pipes after a few years. Also, one or more pipes in your home’s plumbing system may be broken or have developed cracks that cause leakages.

The only solution to this problem is calling an experienced plumbing professional who will inspect your plumbing system and find the leak. Based on these findings, they will apply the best solution to stop the leak and resolve your issue of leaking ceilings.

Damaged Tiles in the Shower Tub

The tiles in the shower tub often develop minute cracks that are only visible to the expert eye. The water seeps through the cracks into the ceiling when someone uses the shower.

The tiles in the shower tub have more functions than a visual appeal. They are known to have waterproof characteristics that prevent the seeping of water/moisture to the floor below. However, when these tiles are damaged, they lose their waterproof characteristic leading to leaks in the ceiling.

If you find any cracks or notice the tiles in the shower tub are in bad condition, call the plumber immediately. A professional may suggest repairs or complete tiles replacement, which depends on the condition of the tiles and the gravity of the leaking issue.

The plumber will lay an efficient drainage system for the bathtub while installing new tiles to resolve the ceiling leaking issue completely.

Damaged Shower Faucet

Sometimes, the cause for ceiling leaking is minor, which can be fixed easily. For example, a damaged shower faucet could leak water after you have turned it off.

The leaking water could seep through the walls and invade the ceiling below. In that case, you need to replace the damaged shower faucet with a new one to fix the ceiling leaking issue.

If you have a damaged shower faucet in your home it is a good idea to call an experienced plumber to replace it. Changing the shower faucet might look like an easy thing to do, but you need the right tools and equipment to perform the replacement without causing damage to the plumbing system.

If you are not careful enough, you might break plumbing pipes or connectors that will increase repair costs unnecessarily. An expert carries the right tools and equipment and has enough experience in faucet installation. Hence, leave the damaged faucet replacement for the experienced plumber.

Clogged Drain

Most Denton, TX, homes have drain pipes running through walls and ceilings. If you have a clogged drain, the water could leak from joints to seep through the wall and ceilings. To fix the issue, you need first to unclog the drain.

Depending on how your drainage system is designed, it can be difficult to find the clog’s exact location and remove it.

If you notice water backup in your bathroom or kitchen sink, there are high chances the drain pipes are clogged. In this scenario, you need to call a plumber immediately to clear the drain of any blockages.

Leaking Gasket

A leaking gasket can also be the cause of ceiling leakage. The shower drain has a gasket that wears out with time, causing water to leak in the walls and ceiling below.

The water could seep from the joint where the shower and the flooring meet. It may be hard to detect a leaking gasket, and you need to call a plumber to investigate the exact cause of the ceiling leaks.

The leak detection professionals carry advanced equipment that allows them to find the causes or location of the leaks in a short period. Their experience also helps them find the possible causes quickly.

Reasons to Call Plumbing Professionals to Fix Bathroom Ceiling Leaks

A ceiling leak is a serious plumbing issue that needs your immediate attention. Besides making your walls and ceilings look ugly, the moisture in the walls and ceiling encourages mold growth that can be a health hazard for your entire family.

Water leaks may cause damage to the internal structure of your ceiling, especially if they are ignored for long. It can lead to expensive repairs and remodeling of your home that can be a financial burden that you would like to avoid.

Plumbing professionals are experts in leak detection in bathrooms, kitchen sinks, and other parts of your home. They can diagnose and fix the problem that could help save high costs that would be otherwise wasted on structural repairs. They carry the right equipment to clear the drain and fix the leaks.

Drain cleaning experts use high-pressure water jets that can break stubborn clogs without damaging the drainage system.

Let Our Certified Plumbers Deal with a Leaky Ceiling

bluefrog Plumbing + Drain of North Dallas provides plumbing and drain cleaning services in Denton, TX. The plumbing company has been serving customers with smiling faces and has resolved ceiling leakage issues effectively.

We are only a call away and can fix any ceiling leaks in your home, effectively. Call us at 469-573-2535 to schedule an inspection today!

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