
A Homeowner’s Guide to Sewer Pipes | Tips from Your Denton, TX Plumber

A Homeowner’s Guide to Sewer Pipes | Tips from Your Denton, TX Plumber

Most homeowners are oblivious to the type of sewer pipes installed in their homes plumbing system.  Sewer pipes are usually only a concern when a catastrophe hits — like when you suffer from a drain issue or a sewage backup. Many times, the drain issues or sewage backups are directly linked to aging pipes that have deteriorated over the years. Therefore, knowing what type of sewage pipes run under your floor can help to predict issues with them, and you can timely call in a professional plumber to replace or fix them. It will also help you to understand or estimate what might be happening when your sewage drains act up.

Let’s go over some of the most commonly used sewer pipes across the US.

Orangeburg Sewer Pipes

Orangeburg pipes are also known as the bituminous fiber pipes. They’re made using wood pulp as the primary component with a seal of coal tar coating it. They were first introduced back in the days of the First World War. There was a serious shortage of iron in the Great War era as most of it was consumed for military purposes. Wood was therefore used as a cheap alternative to iron, and Orangeburg sewer pipes came to be used widely.

Although they were originally intended to be used in telecom and electrical infrastructure, up until the 1970s, they were widely being used as sewerage pipes in constructions across America. Therefore, these pipes, originally meant for dry use, are more prone to tree root infiltration, bellying, wear and tear, and more. It is wise to call in a professional plumber to inspect your sewage pipes, so you know which ones your house has installed.

Cast Iron Sewer Pipes

Cast iron pipes were widely used as sewer pipes across constructions in the US before the 1960s. They used to last for a period of 30 years on average and were usually installed in vertical drain systems. Although otherwise durable, they were exposed to the risk of rust and corrosion as the years went on. This obviously proves to be a massive downside for them, as rusted pipes can cause the water to start tasting like rust. They are also prone to breaking, which leads to small leaks. A major breakage, however, can be catastrophic, as water leaks at high pressure, causing damage and high water bills.

Furthermore, due to their uneven interiors, waste buildup is a common issue. As a result of these shortcomings, these iron pipes are quite prone to cracking, clogs, and developing holes in them as they age. Only a professional plumber can tell you for sure if you have one of these installed for your sewage pipes.

Clay Sewer Pipes

Another type of piping that could be installed in your house is clay sewer pipes. These were widely in use during the interwar period. They are made out of a blend of clay and shale and would last for an average period of 30 years. Known for being environmentally-friendly, they are quite resistant to acids and chemicals.  Despite these advantages, these clay made pipes are porous and brittle, which makes them vulnerable to tree root infiltration underground, leaks, cracking and snapping under acute pressure, and crumbling as they age. Call in your designated plumber to tell you more about clay sewer pipes, as well as the pipes that you have installed in your system.

Concrete Sewer Pipes

Concrete has been employed both as a piping matter itself and as an encasement for pipes made of clay. This material is known for its durability, and the pipes made using concrete tend to last for an average of 30 years. Similar to plastic, concrete pipes represent a relatively new breed of plumbing pipes. They offer some solid advantages when it comes to longevity, strength, and costs. However, they are still immune to damages associated with aging that will call for a professional plumber to inspect your plumbing pipes.

Pvc & Abs Sewer Pipes

ABS (acrylonitrile butadiene styrene) and PVC (polyvinyl chloride) represent yet another modern type of plumbing pipes. This newer generation of pipes has been in use since the 1970s. If your house is new, it will most likely have these installed in your sewerage system. These pipes are well known for the durability and longevity that they offer as they are resistant to corrosion and rusting that most pipes sustain with time. They’re also cost-effective and affordable for most homeowners.

Moreover, the smooth exteriors and interiors make them less likely to be prone to root intrusion. However, these are not exactly known for being heat resistant and are likely to crack if the walls are thin. Do acquire the services of a professional plumber in case you have such a scenario at hand.

Contact Bluefrog Plumbing + Drain 

All in all, if your house is an old construction, it is most likely to have the cast iron, Orangeburg or clay-based sewer pipes installed. In this case, the sewer pipes have most likely reached the end of their life cycle.  It is important that you call in a professional plumber inspect the sewer pipes and ensure what kind of sewer pipes you have installed in your house. If you do happen to have old pipes that are past their useful life span, then replacement is the only option left. Upon inspection, the plumber will be able to guide as to what should be the next step and what type of sewer pipes are best for your house.

Bluefrog Plumbing + Drain of North Dallas is the best when it comes to providing plumbing related services in Denton, TX and the adjoining areas. Its long and growing list satisfied customers, and one of the best 24/7 emergency services speak for themselves. Our professionals are highly trained to take up all the complex plumbing tasks and fulfill all of your plumbing related needs. Acquire our impeccable plumbing services for anything plumbing related in the Denton, TX area, and you will not be disappointed.

Photo By anela.k at Shutterstock
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