What Your Plumber Wants to Tell You About Choosing a Water Heater | Denton, TX
Are you in the market for a new water heater in the Denton, TX area? If you are then you’ve likely already started doing a lot of research about the options, but you might be feeling overwhelmed. That’s where we’re going to help you out. If you’ve been reading a whole lot of information about electric versus gas water heaters and traditional versus tankless water heaters then you’re definitely going to want to take a closer look here, to see just which one is going to be the best fit for your household.
Tankless Water Heater
Now, a tankless water heater can be a great thing for someone who doesn’t have a lot of space. If your basement is pretty crowded or if you’re putting the water heater in a back closet somewhere you may want to cut down on just how much space it takes up. Tankless heaters are going to take less because all you need is the box that everything runs through. They also tend to last about 20 years or so, which is a pretty good life expectancy without as much need for a plumber.
You can get these heaters in either gas or electric, which means you can set it up with whatever you already have running through your house. Also, you don’t need to worry about as much plumber maintenance because there’s no water sitting in the unit. You won’t have to worry about leaking or water damage either, because water flows through but never actually sits in the unit. That’s going to help you cut down on some potential repairs down the road as well. But not everything about these units is going to be the best for everyone.
The downside to a tankless water heater is that you’re not going to get quite as high of a flow rate as you will with a traditional water heater. That’s because the water has to be pushed all the way through the unit and there’s nothing sitting and waiting for you. It can also mean a little more trouble keeping up if you need to use your water heater extensively. If you have a larger family, for example, it might be difficult to keep up with the hot water needs.
Gas Water Heater
There are a number of ways that a gas water heater can be the best option for you. Of course, if you already have gas set up this is going to be a great option because it means less work in trying to rerun your entire house, but there’s more to it than that. This type of heater is simple to install and it’s going to be less expensive than electric. Not only that but it’s easy to refill the tank. So, if your family tends to use a whole lot of hot water you’re going to have an easier time getting that hot water filled back up and ready to go again using this type of water heater.
The downside here is that you have a ‘dirty’ system. Because you’re using gas it can be less than ideal for the environment. That means you’ll need to weigh out your options and your thoughts on the matter and how it’s going to impact the world around you. Next, you want to consider what type of connection you’ll have. If you have natural gas it’s going to be a whole lot cheaper than if you have to use propane tanks. Take a look at what hookups are available in your area.
Electric Water Heater
One of the biggest benefits with an electric water heater is that you’re going to have a lower cost to start with. These heaters are actually quite affordable for most people and they’re relatively efficient as well. That means you’re going to have no problem heating the water you need with a low amount of energy needed. That’s going to be a whole lot better for your electric bill. On top of that, they’re going to be cleaner to run than a gas unit and there’s no gas, so no potential for dangerous gas leaks. Your plumber will be able to give you even more advice here.
On the downside, you’re going to have a slower time getting your water heated back up after you’ve used the entire tank. This could be a problem if you have a large family or you need to use a lot of water. You also could be spending a lot just to keep it running because it’s running on electricity. Not only that but you’re going to have the problem of power outages. If you lose power you don’t have any way of getting hot water, which means no one wants to take a shower after the storm.
The best thing that you can do is talk to your plumber in Denton, TX. They’ll be able to help you figure out what works best for your situation and your family. Keep in mind that your house already has a setup for either gas or electric for the water heater. Sticking with the option that you already have is going to be the easiest way to go, but you can choose to go with a standard unit or a tankless one.
If you’re building a new house, or if you’re really set on one option over the other for your new water heater, you can choose which way you want to go. Just keep in mind that your plumber is going to be doing a whole lot more work if you decide to rerun your entire house to switch from gas to electric or vice versa, and it may not be cost effective in the end. You want to make sure that you discuss everything, and make a decision that’s going to work out right for you and your entire household.